Nhat-Le Bui

- Position: Lecturer (Intern)
- Title: BP.
- Email: lebn@vnu.edu.vn
- Working offices: Center for Biomedicine and Community Health, Building C, HACINCO Student Village, 99-Nguy Nhu Kon Tum Street, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi.
Academic Degrees
- Bachelor of Pharmacy, Hanoi University of Pharmacy
Research Areas
- Research interests:
- Stem cells in treatment, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals
- Molecular biomedicine (immunology, medical genetics, and molecular epidemiology)
- Food nutrition and community health
- Environmental Health
- Teaching subjects:
- Introduction to Biology
- (2022) Mental Health Due to COVID-19 in Students in Vietnam: An Initial Assessment, Journal of Loss and Trauma, DOI: 10.1080/15325024.2022.2046675
- Al-Tawfiq, J.A., Hoang, VT., Le Bui, N. et al. The Emergence of the Omicron (B.1.1.529) SARS-CoV-2 Variant: What is the Impact on the Continued Pandemic?. J Epidemiol Glob Health (2022), DOI: 10.1007/s44197-022-00032-w
- (2022) Willingness to receive COVID-19 vaccine booster doses for adults and their children in Vietnam, Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, DOI: 10.1080/10911359.2022.2046235
- Tran, D. K., Phuong, T. N. T., Bui, N. L., Singh, V., Looi, Q. H., Koh, B., … & Chu, D. T. (2021). Exploring the potential of stem cell-based therapy for aesthetic and plastic surgery. IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, DOI: 10.1109/RBME.2021.3134994
- “Nutritional status and associated factors in children aged 15 – 17 years in a suburb in Vietnam”, – Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2021, DOI: 10.5455/jabet.2021.d102
- “Nghiên cứu đường lây truyền của vi khuẩn Enterococcus faecium kháng vancomycin tại Khoa Hồi sức tích cực Bệnh viện Bệnh Nhiệt đới Trung ương”, tạp chí Y Dược học – NXB Bộ Y tế, vol 22, pp. 4-11, 2021
- Cancer and lipid metabolism: roles of adipocytes on Tumor Microenvironment, Handbook of Cancer and Immunology – Springer
Research Projects
- Research on the acceptance of COVID-19 vaccine of Vietnamese people
- Proportion of different aesthetic surgery and some related factors to the surgery decision: A study from Vietnam
- Willingness of Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines, Mental Health, and Prevention Measures Among University Students
Working process
- 10/2019 – 7/2021: Research intern at Department of Biochemistry, Hanoi University of Pharmacy and Scientific research laboratory, Hanoi Medical University
- 3/2021 – 8/2021: Research assistant at Center for Biomedicine and Community Health, International School, Vietnam National University
- 9/2021 – present: Lecturer (intern) at International School, Vietnam National University, Hanoi