1.Develop and organize the implementation of the plan of postgraduate activities (master, doctoral)
a) Advise the Board of Rectors and assume the prime responsibility for developing and promulgating regulations and guidelines on graduate training (training and enrollment management) and acting as the focal point for organizing and guiding the implementation of graduate programs. Relevant units and individuals shall comply with regulations.
b) In charge and coordinate with relevant units in the development of development strategies, medium-term plans and annual plans on postgraduate training and submit them to the Rector for approval.
c) To assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the office of Planning and Finance in formulating action plans and budget plans for postgraduate training activities; assume the prime responsibility for determining graduate enrollment targets and implementing graduate enrollment targets.
d) Coordinate with the office of Research and Partnership Development in planning cooperation, international exchange on postgraduate training, planning long-term strategies for international training cooperation, including: exchange of experts, lecturers, student’s tablets; coordinate/organize short-term courses or international joint training programs, organize quality control for training international students and researchers, if any; looking for international partners in training.
đ) Research and advise the Board of Rectors on solutions to improve training quality and effectiveness, renovate graduate training institutions, pilot a new training model at graduate level, and receive technology transfer. technology and training programs from advanced countries.
e) In charge and coordinate with relevant units (office of Academic affairs, …, Faculties to participate in providing training consulting services (evaluating training needs, developing a master plan for training courses). programs, specific subjects, curriculum development, course organization, faculty exchange, technical assistance, etc.)
f) Coordinate with the Faculty/Program Directors/Executive Board of the training program to submit to the Rector for approval the plan for compiling course outlines, textbooks, and lecture sets; Invite and manage lecturers at the University.
g) Develop, organize and manage the implementation of teaching plans, schedules, number of teaching hours and lecturers in accordance with the approved school year task plan.
h) Develop a plan and coordinate with offices of the University (Officer of Student Affairs,… , affiliated faculties) to organize the opening ceremony, the thesis defense ceremony, the thesis, graduation ceremony, etc. …
i) Develop plans and supervise the implementation of study plans, exams, tests, dissertations and theses; formulating plans, guiding procedures and procedures for considering suspension, expulsion, reservation, re-study, re-examination, preparation of application documents for recognition of graduation and grant of degrees, and other related tasks.
k) Make statistical reports related to training in accordance with the regulations of the superior management agency and the Principal.
l) Coordinating with Faculty, Office of Finance and Administration; Office of Science and Technology develops regulations on working regimes, financial regimes, training and retraining regimes for lecturers, managers and other relevant subjects.
2. Coordinate and organize the implementation of administrative activities related to graduate training management, including:
a) Carry out the necessary procedures for the admission of successful students to the University after the annual enrollment periods. Arrange classes and appoint class staff to submit to the Principal for approval.
b) Report to the Board of Directors the cases where the student does not meet the conditions and the procedures and documents for admission to the School.
c) The focal point for making and issuing student cards; manage student records according to hierarchy; Update and manage data of records, decisions (reward, discipline, academic treatment) of the University related to students, student records, meet the search and verification requirements of the students. relevant functional units.
d) Handling administrative procedures for students graduating, transferring students, or being disciplined at the level of suspension or forced expulsion. Verify and authenticate all documents related to students, except for academic results.
đ) Organize dialogues with students; resolve or propose to the School questions, complaints about the training results and policies of the students. Organize a dialogue between the Board of Directors and students.
e) Gather and propose the University to reward and discipline students according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, of VNU and the regulations of the University.
f) Coordinating with the Department of Science, Technology, Finance and Administration in collecting tuition fees, handling students who do not pay tuition fees in full according to regulations.
g) In charge to consider and grant scholarships to encourage learning and training for students in each semester as prescribed.
h) Act as the focal point to organize propaganda of the guidelines, guidelines, policies and laws of the Party and State to students in the Institute.
i) Coordinate with the Finance and Administration Department to monitor and arrange to ensure classrooms, rooms, and dormitories for lecturers and students at home and abroad to study, research and teach at the University and make reports according to regulations; propose to the School Board of Directors specific cases when they arise.
k) Manage and monitor the observance of discipline, teaching and learning habits of lecturers and students.
l) Notify and recognize students’ learning and fostering results. Print and issue diplomas, certificates and certificates of students.
m) Receive and manage documents published by the University, accepted scientific research works, conference documents, theses and theses of lecturers, researchers and students; training programs, textbooks, lecture notes and other types of materials of the University, sponsored publications, donations.
n) Compare and confirm the teaching hours for lecturers, coordinate with the Finance and Administration Department and the Science and Technology Department to propose payment plans and request payment for teaching hours for lecturers inside and outside the school and partners.
o) Submit to the Rector to establish an annual Graduate Academic Review Council, organize periodic and on-demand academic reviews for students of graduate programs
p) Coordinating with units of the University in implementing and managing alumni work.
3. Graduate Admission and training tasks:
a) In charge to organize and implement graduate admissions of the University, including enrollment counseling, candidate attraction, application management (online enrollment), and other related jobs. regarding enrollment.
b) Organize and manage conversion, knowledge-replenishment and review classes for university enrollment. Preside over and coordinate with relevant units to help the Rector organize and manage additional knowledge classes for individuals in need in order to meet the requirements of subjects enrolled in master’s training according to regulations. determined.
c) In charge of organizing training on enrollment counseling skills for subjects participating in enrollment counseling.
d) The focal point of contact with other units and organizations in order to coordinate the enrollment work for the University and introduce graduate training programs and information on enrollment of the University.
đ) The focal point to propose and coordinate with relevant units to make publications to introduce and promote training programs.
4. Evaluation and quality assurance of postgraduate training:
a) Provide information related to postgraduate training and coordinate with the Center for Quality Assurance and Testing and related units to serve the evaluation of training programs.
b) Guiding and organizing the collection of feedbacks from students and stakeholders in accordance with current regulations of VNU and the University.
c) Coordinating with units to propose necessary conditions for teaching, learning and research of master students and doctoral students; coordinate and research educational quality assurance models and apply domestic and international quality assurance models into practice.
d) Propose a plan for quality improvement after self-assessment and education quality accreditation; guide, supervise and inspect the implementation of quality assurance conditions in units in the University.
đ) Coordinating with the Center for Quality Assurance and Technology, the Science, Technology and Development Department to build and expand cooperation relationships with international education quality assurance and accreditation organizations.
5. Perform other duties assigned by the Rector.
International School, Vietnam National University, Hanoi
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